The Violet Cake Shop™

Sharing inspirations for my designs, and tips I've discovered along the way in my caking journey! <3

Celebrating 100K Sweet Friends on Facebook


Never, EVER did I consider EVER having followers of my cake journey in the six digits!!  Nope, NEVER even crossed my mind.  I started this page as a place to post pics of my sweet creations in 2009.  It pretty much steadily climbed over the next 4 years to just over 700 followers.  Wow, I was already pretty thrilled with that!

09-17-14 - 100K

Then, I discovered Facebook and Social Media networking around this time back in 2013, sharing and liking posts, share days, Facebook groups, collaborations…  I embraced it all just like those in FB Cakeyland embraced me and guess what…?  Most anyone in the cake industry that was anyone had a Facebook page and I discovered I could follow them and easily check their news items in my newsfeed.  Before, I rarely went on Facebook except to upload a new cake pic.

I didn’t even have many “friends” on my personal page because I never used the “Find a Friend” feature.  Now, more than 60% of my friends are cake friends I made on-line who are genuinely as important to me as those in ‘real-life’

So now I have somehow reached sweet friends numbering in the a six digits and I am beyond bewildered, blown away, flabbergasted, overwhelmed, stupefied (not stupid, just stupefied)!!

To celebrate, I am hosting an enormous giveaway sponsored by most of my fave Facebook pages…all are pages that have helped me grow, who have shared my work or supported my work and my page…who have made me feel such a part of a lovely community full of people with a like-minded passion for sugar art!

Please help me celebrate by joining my 100K Sweet Friends giveaway

FB 100K Giveaway Poster - 09-17-14

I am also having a SALE of 50% off or MORE on all tutorials in my SHIOP…some are even FREE!  You can pick yours up in my FB SHOP or use this mobile link.

FB 100K Milestone - 09-17-14 - Sale Promo

Thanks SO much AGAIN everyone!!  I truly appreciate you all and your support means the world to me!

Violet =D

Author: The Violet Cake Shop™

Hi, I'm Violet, currently a mom of two and part-time cake designer/decorator! I first discovered my love for cake art in early 2008 when researching how to make a cake for my husband's milestone birthday. I consider myself "internet or community taught" having found and learned as much as I could from the many helpful sites, blogs, YouTube videos and tutorials around the net, where people were willing to share their craft. I used every family occasion to practice after that and soon, friends and family were asking me to make their cakes, which I did for many years. I took an extended break from taking orders after the birth of my daughter, to spend more quality time with the kids. I then spent the next years since, creating one-of-a-kind pieces for special projects, magazine tutorials and personal occasions, taking on the odd order here and there. I share my work along with tips & tricks on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest, as well as in this blog. Here, you can also find helpful insights and free tutorials that will hopefully make your cake decorating life easier. I have had the honour of being part of several special Facebook cake community collaborations that have been named as Finalists for the prestigious Cake Masters Collaboration of the Year Award, one of which won in 2018. I've been named as a Finalist for the Cake Masters Awards for the Best Magazine Cover (2019) and for the American Cake Awards for the Cake Maker Award (2020). My cakes have been featured in print in Edible Artists Network and American Cake Decorating Magazines in the US; in Cake Masters, Cake Craft Guide's Party Cakes, Cake Craft Guide's Wedding Cakes & Sugar Flowers and Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft Magazines in the UK; and in Australia's Sweet Magazine. I've also been featured online as 'Edible Art of The Day' at Edible Artists Network's blog, as Satin Ice's Cake of the Month for January 2015, and in online magazines and blogs such as Cake Wrecks' Sunday Sweets, the Craftsy Blog, 'The Cake of the Week' on FB, Pretty Witty Cakes' online Magazine, American Cake Decorating's Blog, Satin Ice Showcases, Australian Cake Decorating Network's online Cake! Magazine and in Cake Geek Magazine. My cakes have also been chosen to grace the cover of four industry-leading magazines, as the featured cake. I've been invited and have travelled worldwide, to teach my style in hands-on classes and demos. I've filmed online video classes for Pretty Witty Cakes in the UK and Craftsy in the US. I am also a proud member of the Satin Ice Artists of Excellence team. I am constantly inspired by all things around me, particularly fashion, geometric prints, home décor trends and of course, other sugar artists!

80 thoughts on “Celebrating 100K Sweet Friends on Facebook

  1. I can’t even describe how much I LOVE your cake style. It’s so bright and inventive. Seriously an inspiration!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Violet, it’s lovely seeing you here on WP!
    I would love to win one of your giveaways no doubt, but a warm congratulations for your wonderful milestone!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Each time I look at your work, my jaw dropped to the floor over & over again! Such fantastic work of art & I feel so lucky to have come across your page/blog 🙂 My sincerest congratulations on achieving 100K sweet friends. You totally deserves each like & love Violet! ✗o✗o

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love every tip, photo & tutorial! 😀 hope u get more and more likes!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love all your work. I also love all your tips, and tutorials and how you don’t mind sharing with the rest of us 🙂 Keep up the amazing work and congratulations on 100,000 followers 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations my sweet friend! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Congratulations!! 🙂 Thanks for all the tutorials!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Congratulations on your milestone, your work is such an inspiration to me. Way to go! and thanks for sharing the amazing giveway! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Celebrating 100K Sweet Friends on Facebook

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi Violet, congratulations on the 100K milestone! Thanks for all the tips that you have on your blog – currently, modelling figures is particularly interesting to me as it is a skill I have to start mastering, together with many, many more 🙂 ! All the best Barbara

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Congrats on 100k!;)

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I’m so happy I came across your site! Your work is so amazing! Thank you for sharing! I’ll have to check out your race book shop!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Your cakes are beautiful!Your work its art!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. congrats on your milestone. your work is beautiful

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Love everything you make! Such a great give away. I hope I win!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. You’re work is beautiful. Congratulations!!! Thanks for putting this together.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. OMG I think I just hit a GOLD MINE on this page!! What great info!!! Thanks for the tips!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Hello Violet, this is Karla 🙂 congratulations on reaching 100K fans ! Well deserved ! keep up the awesome job ! xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Congratulations Violet. Wish you continuous success and keep up the great and awesome job!!!


  20. HI Violet… congratulation on reaching 100k follower! Love all your works.
    xxx Riany


  21. Your work is beautiful and I always enjoy seeing the different textures & techniques that you use. Congratulations on reaching 100K followers.


  22. Congratulations violet, all your cakes are stunning and I am a great follower of your work. Here’s to the next 100K xxx


  23. I love your work! Absolutely stunning!


  24. Wow! Congratulations! I love your cakes!!! 🙂


  25. Congratulations on your celebration, well deserved and I have been your follower ever since I started cake decorating last year. You are one of my inspirations in my cake decorating life, may you continue to grow and inspire other people who are just beginning and starting in this industry like me. More power and Godbless!


  26. Congratulations to you! I can’t even imagine that many followers 🙂


  27. Congrats! I hope y win 1 of those fabolous prices.


  28. You make me want to leave my home (Trinidad) hop on a plane just to learn from you! Your work is so vibrant, so much movement! You make me want to be a better cake maker so thank you from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU!!!


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